Service request

Dear PowerBox pilot,

You can help us to shorten repair turnaround times by filling out the following form for each device and including it with the product when you send it to us. Don’t forget to list under ‘accessories’ everything you are sending in the package! This includes items such as switches, lights, cables, etc!

Please send the device to us at the following NEW address:

PowerBox-Systems Americas Corp.

2220 CR 210 W– Suite 108-515
St. Johns, FL 32259

If a repair is not possible, we will contact you and extend to you a courtesy of a replacement at 25% of the retail price!

We never use or sell any of your  the data entered here to any third party, and do not use it for promotional purposes!

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods